Many Point Scout Camp, that's the place for me!

Posts tagged “campfire

Campfire Lights

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Experiencing a closing campfire is a great ending to a week at Many Point.  Laughing with friends, planning skits and getting awards presented.  However, there is always a different way to view a campfire so I decided to take timed exposures of the campfire and the events following.  The photos above are the best of the campfire.

Campfire to Campfire!!!

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There is not just one moment or event that camp is made of.  Camp starts when you enter the gates and staff greet you. From there you become a guest of Many Point Scout Camp, and the staff are here to help make your experience at camp memorable.  As staff prepare swim qualifications, give swim tests, and the scouts set up camp,  the energy of the day builds.  Then the sun sets and the staff prepare their campfire skits and songs.

Campfire begins with a huge round of applause, and the week begins.  The week begins to move faster and faster with merit badges and activities. Suddenly without warning, it is Friday and time for another campfire.

There is no way to describe in words all that a week of camp can entail.  Come to Many Point Scout Camp to experience every moment and every campfire for yourself!!!


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On Sunday nights, the Many Point staff prepare as scouts gather at their campfires.

The crowd begins to get restless, and the staff jump into action.

“We are going to start this campfire like we start all Many Point campfires,” a staff member yells as he begins to sing the Many Point Rouser! The rest of the staff runs out and joins in the singing of the rouser.

Next is the most popular part: the skits where staff get to demonstrate their acting abilities.  Campfires are just one part of the Many Point experience, every moment can be memorable at Many Point Scout Camp.